Meet our team

We help people find and achieve their full work-life potential.

Leila Sinfuego Huynh

Co-founder & CEO

Sourabh Roy


Tom Nicholls


Message from Leila


Where can we build or find a high-performing team to solve complex problems and achieve business objectives? I often asked myself this question during my 20+ year career in staffing and consulting, where I evaluated and provided talented workers to some of the largest companies in the world. Clients and colleagues all faced (and continue to face) the same issue – where can they find or build a high-performing team to solve their problems?

Staffing, consulting, and managed services are billion-dollar industries that profit by providing talent to work at companies. But the challenge is organizations place individuals onto teams, hoping they will fit and work well together.

Unfortunately, this rarely works. I call it "recruitment by numbers," where workers are matched to job descriptions but not to each other. And that's the problem TeamBond wants to solve. TeamBond not only matches a worker to a job description but also matches the compatibility of workers to other team members, which ensures the team's success.

TeamBond is revolutionizing the staffing and recruitment process, making it easier and quicker for companies to build and sustain high-performing teams.

We invite you to experience TeamBond, an online platform that creates Teams by Design.

 © 2022 TeamBond Inc.